new trays, placement/kitting update, and keycap pullers!
posted on 05.24.23hi everyone! we wanted to provide an update on the changes upcoming for our keycap sets. our team has been brainstorming ways to make the keycap unboxing experience even better, and we have decided that it's time that some of our keys were rearranged, along with other improvements. while we're extremely happy with our products, we believe that there's always room to make things even better!
firstly, we've optimized placement of our keycaps within the trays so that the experience of finding and putting on the keycaps to fit your board feels more natural. for example, clustering arrow keys all together so they can be easily findable, or having all the mac keys together in one group.
secondly, we found that while placing the keys was an overall pleasant experience, putting them back in the rightful place proved quite to be a challenge. we've since updated our trays to include engraved labels that provide an easy guide on how to put the keys back. please see image below:
please note that year of the rabbit will not be receiving tray updates
additionally, we've decided to remove our keycap puller. we're well aware that there are many people who are not purchasing our keycap sets for the first time, and we felt that including a keycap puller each time only for them to be thrown away was quite wasteful. therefore, we've decided to separate our keycap puller from our packaging, and will be offering our keycap pullers in our shop for just $1 if you require one!
after rearranging all the keys on our trays and removing our keycap puller, we've created enough space to further update our kitting. all future/upcoming base kits will include an accented 7U spacebar at no extra cost! you will notice that the base kits for our upcoming sale on may 25th have since been updated to reflect these changes.
lastly, we've worked extremely closely with our manufacturers for this upcoming batch to address some customer's fading issues. we have tightened our processes so that less customers will experience extreme cases of fading. however, do note that if you do experience excessive fading, our customer service team at are always happy to provide a replacement!
that's all for now! thanks for reading and being a part of osume's growth! we look forward to hearing your feedback.